What Others Are Saying! July 10, 2020 cher daniel “I don’t know if you get much feedback for your Yet We Rise work, but here is some. Your book talk of Rising Strong led me to want to read it. My tiny post has led to about six other people (that I know of) wanting to read it. So...you are touching lives and spreading helpful knowledge. Thank you” “This afternoon, after my day was done, I put on my YWR hat and had a long run. “Without judgement on the reciprocation we receive”... I needed that. Thank you.” “I love this hat. Even better when people ask me what YWR stands for.” “Thanks Yet We Rise! I loved the chat this morning!””I read every day, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book like this. Thank you for broadening my thoughts and life practices!!””Yeah! Thank you for starting my summer reading list!”” “thanks for what you do, it is noticed, it is valued, and it is beyond important.””I love and appreciate your honest thoughts! It is definitely a struggle and the work you do makes a difference! Can’t stay silent!””You are amazing! Thank you for talking about the subject.””Thank you for what you are doing. It is important work and you are making ripples! Love the Whitman quote!””We can never be reminded too often to check on those who are struggling” ”