Thank You!

I am sitting her in Pierre, South Dakota watching rain fall on the river as I add, delete, reread and reflect on the YWR website and complete much needed updates. It was a year ago I was here with the goal to not leave until a YWR website was up and running, nearly as hard as childbirth-nearly!

The most important thing I need to say at this time is thank you. Simple, two words-a show of gratitude. First in my heart I have to say thank you in general for all the last year has shown me and the growth we have made as a family with our journey as parents of children who struggle or have struggled with mental wellness. To say we are coming out of a valley and seeing success and results of hard work is an understatement. There is always work to do, BUT growth must be celebrated!

Second, I must say thank you to many faces I know and love who have supported me since the beginning ,and names of those I don’t know. As I work to grow this endeavor and reach out I see more names on social media that are tuning in or people messaging me with gratitude and feedback. I have always felt that if we can help “just one” person and they find what we share and do helpful then I have been successful.