Seize the Awkward

So today is the anniversary of 9/11, a somber day in our nation’s history for everyone. That creates a somber day. This week can also be a somber week as it is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week, with the actual day being September 10th. It is a little crazy that we have to have a week or a DAY to bring awareness to something so devastating but we have to, we have to talk about it.

The seriousness of suicide prevention has been shown to me through many lenses and conversations that aren’t mine to share in such a forum. What I will share is the day that the ember of doing more started as a small tiny fire in my heart and mind. On a nice fall day Lisa and I attended a local suicide awareness walk in support of those who had lost loved ones to suicide. People were asked to wear beads displaying the color of their connection, asked to decorate a rock to place along the walk , and given this card (see photo). I kind of looked over the card because all I could do was think about the small group around us. Those with names or photos on their shirts, and knowing that for every person brave enough to come and wear their heartbreak there were so many more who for so many reasons didn’t come and never would . There were those out there who walked in fear every day that this could happen to their own child or loved one.

How do I know this? Because people are out there. Watching a loved one with depression and or anxiety that becomes so crippling that there seems to be no hope. Often when depression and/or anxiety becomes so encompassing the person hides it and those around them hide it. The stigma, embarrassment, helplessness, and even denial are all rolled into one.

We must push all those to the side, be brave, ask questions, check in with those we know are struggling, especially our children no matter what age. They WILL push us away. They WILL roll their eyes. They WILL hide under good grades and smiles to fool us into not worrying. They WILL get angry. They may self-medicate and do self-harm. Do not be afraid to have those awkward conversations, there are resources on HOW to have those questions and WHAT to ask. Do it, it may be awkward and painful but it could save the one you love most, nothing is ever to awkward for that.
