I write this as I sit at the breakfast bar watching our 17 year old color. He is coloring because we are bored. He is coloring because at this time in our history we are treading water, new water. I wrote the post below for FB on the eve-a Wednesday-of what will become known in history as the Covid-19 pandemic. He is coloring because we are sticking close to home, doing the dreaded strategy of “social distancing”, and we are only on day 5. I wrote the post because this affects us all. Please read and remember “Panic is not a strategy”.
I wish Why Wednesday could be short and pithy today. You know-a cool word on orange background that we read and think to ourselves, "ahhhh just got my one word motivator for today, for a little small step". Well these coming weeks are not about small steps. They are big steps. They will hit those of us with maybe mild anxiety (ME!) a little harder. Let's take a minute and honor that.
I have been a caregiver of my own children who have dropped into major clinical lows. It is tough. In those lows I learned to grow, have grit, put one foot in front of the other-as there was no choice. I had to learn to deal with the raw-in-the-moment times that would confront us. I have come out better, more joyful, laid back, in it to be the best I can be. But this...
This is different. As I read the news and am sent home from work. As I watch our 21 year old arrive home from school and our senior not know what the heck this does to his last school year, I see their frustration. Their scoffing, then maybe a little "oh shit" this could be bad look.
I then stand in line waiting to get in a store, 20 at a time allowed. I see shelves in grocery stores empty-ravaged is the word. I hear from my friends in the medical field who are warning, "no really, DON'T go out". I can see where this is heading. This will be lingering, a lingering anxiety that sets in. I have not had lingering anxiety in a LONG time and I feel a little unprepared. Unprepared for new stress triggers, for the unknown and my usual stress outlets like gym time to close down or seclude myself from that release.
But, what can I say. Here it is. Here we are. I would recommend to you NOW, immediately. Make a plan. A five finger plan.
1. Outside-sit on your step, sit in your car with the windows open, go for a walk
2. Connect-with someone- that fills your bucket, that you can vent to but yet won't let you wallow
3. DISconnect-If you are secluded at home STOP scrolling, put the device up
4. Routine-make some simple routines and time limits during the day. When we aren't used to home time or working from home, it can be the big abyss and black hole of wandering and lack of focus.
5. Box Breathe-before you go out, when out, in line etc. When you feel that "lingering" anxiety come up, stop and breathe
I have these on my list and included it on a To-Do page for the family. They may or may not read, but at least we planned it. As I told my coworkers "Panic is not a strategy" nor is it a superpower. Patience, grace, breathing, planning. Those are strategies.