
Well here we are with 2020 halfway over! It was a year ago at this time that I parked myself in a cabin on the Missouri River in Pierre, South Dakota with the task of building a website. Whew, I was sweating and not from the heat. I am back here again taking time to update, add, delete, and as always reflect.

What a year 2020 has been! I had to push off some of my goals for YWR such as THIS feature story page, further product push events, and connecting with people through events, but we continued on as best we could in small ways, which really isn’t that how it is supposed to be? Small ripples?

I am still working on this feature story piece, I might have asked our recently graduated son, whose story maybe kicked all this off, but he feels not quite ready. I believe his words were, “what does my story matter, not sure how it can help others”. Holy cow. If he only knew. He may also want to close that chapter of teen years, but I will keep asking. I hope to convince some others, until then lets start here…

Us-myself, Lisa, and Sarah, maybe I can shine some light of “Why” we are here. We may not deserve a “feature” but knowing how we got here may inspire others. We are three very different women at VERY different places in our lives and very different backgrounds of growing up, which is the beautiful part.

Do we all agree on politics, raising children, navigating marriage, how to be daughters and sisters? Nope,not always. Do we discuss those things as friends, sure. Do we get curious about how the other one thinks, always. Do we learn from that curiosity, hell yes. Have we each faced down and dirty life moments that impact our mental health-I won’t speak for them but I know I have, and I am guessing they have too. Otherwise they wouldn’t have jumped into the deep end with me just over a year ago. While they support ME and my endeavor I know both of them want to make a difference in their circle of impact and I know they are.

When I think of us as a “Feature” it may not be the one I was looking for, the story that you all read and think WOW, I FEEL that and can learn from it-be inspired but I can tell you our story has inspired me. It shows that if we are vulnerable, share, open up, try to give back and help others-the greatest impact may be what we are doing for ourselves as we learn and grow. I think that is our story and we hope to do more of the same for the remainder of 2020. We hope you join us.
