And So It Begins!

Holy cow, holy buckets, good gravy, holy sh%$! I don’t even know what to start with but this is it, the FIRST official in the moment blog post on our official-for-public consumption website. I can’t even begin to share the excitement, well OK maybe I can. I just about peed my pants as I sat at Lisa’s dining room table and we hit the publish button while Sarah took pics of the moment. Then I really almost lost it when she opened up her computer and searched, found it, and we viewed the website as a lay person. While I know the true work we do will never be shown in a blog or post and can not be encapsulated in a finely polished website, it is still a testament. A living artifact to the brainstorming, creating, discussing, doubts, and excitement of the last 9 months. It is a testament to the future we believe in where better mental wellness is discussed openly and with candor, empathy, and hope.

We had a goal of August 1st and are five days over but good things come in their own time, and we couldn’t be prouder.

We hope you stop by. We hope you read and think. We hope you share and our work reaches one new person, just one.


YWR Speaks-Hang on!

Here is our first blog entry. It is weird as I am writing it as I create a website which is NO easy task people. I am sweating it out over here trying to make it look just perfect. I am already looking ahead and thinking how the hell to add a picture, is the “banner” the only pic I get??

Let’s talk about this blog space for a minute so you are prepared. I love stories, I am not the best technical writer-most say I write like a talk which means fast, jumbled and rambling,and always with a lens of humor and sarcasm. And swearing, just warning you now some words will come out, no apologies it is who I am.

This blog will have some personal stories of course, that is how you get to know me and we can connect. Some posts will be sharing of articles and resources. Take those as you will, this is a true “buyer beware” kind of space. I am NOT an expert on anything and am not out to “sell” people something or persuade anyone to my way of thinking. I am just a gal who has a passion for advocating for mental wellness in all kinds of ways that work for all kinds of people. I know what has worked or is working for my family and those around me-super scientific.

You may not agree or see the value in what we might share, I am ok with that. If 1 person reads our site and says to themselves, “Damn, someone gets me” or “I like that idea”, then guess what I am good to go. Are you ready and good to go? Let’s get there together!

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